Unlocking Female Leadership Potential Programme at DELL


In May 2019, DELL kicked-off the EMEA Releasing Female Leadership Potential Programme. SHFT Happens was asked to provide trends analysis in Emotional Intelligence to help create a sustainable and targeted year-long training program and development plans. Because of our expertise as an Emotional Intelligence (EI) training company and helping team members and leaders with EI development, SHFT was asked to kick-off the program with an Emotional Intelligence (EI) immersion. We provided EQ feedback and training in conjunction with recommendations for the year-long mentoring program framework.

After being shortlisted to participate, each participant (mentee) in the program was paired with a more experienced employee (mentor) within the organization. Each member of the mentees completed the Emotional Intelligence (EI) behavioral assessment prior to the program.

During the opening session, SHFT provided each person with feedback on their EI results. The participants also completed activities to experience various EQ scales in a team training environment. Mentoring pairs were encouraged to share results of their EQ assessments with each other and to create development plans based on the feedback they received.